©Kirton News 2025

September 2007

The Editors Letter

Dear readers, It feels like October – but I still feel mysteriously optimistic. Perhaps that’s why British people are said to keep a ‘stiff upper lip’ – with weather like ours we need to!

IIt was extremely disappointing that Kirton FC last year’s under 18’s are not being allowed to play in the local league this year for real reasons unknown but more of this inside.

On a brighter note the youth club looks as though it will take off again. Watch this space. There will be a disco for 11 to 16 year olds at the Town Hall on the 14th September and tickets are available at Fossit & Thornes and Middlecott School.

There is a lot going on in September of which more in our forthcoming events section so get out there and join up, join in or do whatever’s necessary!

Roger Booth


Sadly we received a short letter from Tom Tyreman’s nephew saying that Tom who grew up in Kirton passed away on the 3rd July. We will miss his anecdotal stories – he was obviously a great character.

Roger Booth

Party on the Pavement

The weather has been terrible everywhere this summer but a little light relief from the incessant downpour was to be found in Thomas Middlecott Drive, as all the residents at the end of the road got together to celebrate the first year of living in Kirton.

The rain could not stop the community spirit or party atmosphere, as everyone chipped in a little, from food and drink, to tables and gazebos to keep dry under! It was a lovely little party, and thoroughly enjoyed by all, especially my daughters, one who couldn’t wait for the food! It was also a great opportunity to experience tastes from elsewhere, as one of the families supplied russian garlic bread, which was delicious!  The celebration continued late into the night, and comes firmly recommended as a ‘get to know your neighbours’ experience.

Tricia Mortimer

New Photography Club in Kirton

Anyone wishing to join please phone Richard on 724321. Would all those people who phoned once before please do so again as their numbers have been mislaid.


Kirton Youths Dismissed From Competitive Football For Being Late

Last year’s FC Kirton under 18 team had hoped to act as a feeder team to ‘Black Bull United’ but their admission to the Cropleys Suzuki Boston Saturday League Division Three was rejected on an administrative technicality. This can only be described as shameful and totally against the spirit of fair play. FC Kirton under 18s and under 15s are still looking for players – for those interested please phone the Nacro Football Coordinator Ray Power on 01205 359664, or 07876 655346.

Editor’s note: this is an extract from a much larger press release – regrettably because of space considerations we couldn’t reproduce it all but it was covered in the local press.


Frampton United Charities

Senior citizens formerly resident in Frampton for 5 years are invited to apply for assistance with their 2007/8 winter electricity accounts. Applications must be to the clerk at the address below by the 31st October 2007. On your application please quote the following: Full name and address, Contact telephone number, Date of birth of WIFE and HUSBAND Further particulars may be required

Clerk to the Trustees - Miss L.P. Bacon
153 Swineshead Road, Frampton Fen, Boston, Lincs, PE20 1SB


Everything With Chips!

Watching the rain falling yet again, I suggested to my husband that we take our kids swimming. The thought out plan of caravanning all through the summer had become as washed away as Cleethorpes. This was an obviously popular choice as the pool in Boston was quite full.

We happened upon two charming young ladies aged about 8 & 10 who informed us that they used to live in Old Leake but due to the floods were now were living in a hotel. It made me very glad that Kirton managed to escape with several car parks turned into boating lakes but only nominal disruption or destruction and most certainly not rivers in the High Street.  Otherwise we may have been as stoic as those two girls whose only thoughts on the whole experience was ‘Everything comes with chips!’  

Tricia Mortimer

Kirton Craft & Hobbies

Our craft group has been running for a year and we are looking for more people to join us, we meet every Friday 1.00pm – 3.00pm at Kirton Town Hall. We’re a friendly bunch with lots of different interest. Whatever your interests are we would like you to share them with us. Just pop in or call Elsie on 722230. We look forward to meeting you.


Dame Sarah Swift

This year is the 70th anniversary of the death of Dame Sarah Swift. She was born on the Blossom Hall Estate in Kirton Skeldyke in 1854, the daughter of a tenant farmer. Trained as a nurse she rose to the position of Matron of Guy’s Hospital in London, retiring in 1909 but was recalled at the outbreak of the First World War to be Matron-in-Chief of the joint War Committee of the British Red Cross in the Order of St.John. Known as the ‘Mighty Atom’ she gave devoted service during the war and in 1919 became Dame Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire.

After the war she founded the College of Nursing which later became the Royal College of Nursing in 1947. She died in 1937 at the age of 83. A ward at ‘Guy’s is named after her and she is remembered in Kirton in the Lady Chapel of the Church.

Editor’s note: this is an extract of the Kirton Book courtesy Joy Beecham. Go visit the exhibition in the Kirton Parish Church on Friday and Saturday the 7th/8th September – it should be very interesting.





1930's Kirton Town Football Club

The names of the football team in the July/August Kirton News appear to be mostly correct as I remember them. If you begin L to R on the back row the first is Capt. Rolfe in uniform.  The team then commences with Sam Tunnard and correctly continues up to and including Bill Fisher. Next is Harold Wander in the suit who never ever played.  The middle row appears correct starting with Les Lyon continuing up to and including Frank Jessop. 

The last person in that row next to Frank Jessop I cannot recollect his name, but the Mr. Fred named in that row is Fred Jessop, Franks brother and also the husband of the supplier of the photograph.  The front row starts with Len Pearce and is almost correct ending with Sid Lyon  The exception is H. Broughton who should be named H. Brighton ( always known as Benny ).   He worked in J.Langley & Son Ltd. offices until he went to war.   Mr. Fred Jessop like most of us of that age group served in World War 2 and entered the army after volunteering from agricultural work (which was a reserved occupation) as a Private and was demobilised at wars end with the commisioned rank of Major. 

Arthur Sellers
Editor’s note: thanks Arthur!

News from the Chestnuts

On May the 29th we lost another of our ladies Mrs Simmons passed away; we were all shocked because as far as we knew she had not been ill, she will be missed, our condolences go to her relatives and friends.

On Tuesday the 19th Janet made us a meal of salad and new potatoes and a lovely trifle, but sad to say her husband was taken ill and she had to go with him to the hospital. We hope he is getting better.

Mrs Mowbry is back with us again. We still have fish and chips once a fortnight, coffee Monday mornings and all the other usual activities.

Nellie Bamber and Eileen Pearson


Kirton Kids Club

Well what can I say except – it has been good weather for ducks! No one can believe how much rain we have had in what should have been our summer. The only good thing is it did not seem to rain as we escorted the children from school to the Club but on several occasions we had parents unable to get to the Club to pick children up or we had children and parents stuck in the Club waiting for the rain to stop long enough for them to run out to their cars!

No amount of rain could dampen the children’s enthusiasm for all the activities and the run up to the long summer holidays though. Most of what we did at the Club was done inside but even this was made fun for the children with a huge display of summer flowers, bugs and birds to cheer us all up a bit. Art and craft plays a big part of what we do with the children as well as cooking, sports, games and activities.

The planning and organisation for the Summer Holiday Club was completed weeks ago and the first week is now over and what a week! Children enjoyed an amazing ‘Music Day’ with a professional musician, Chris, showing his skills with the banjo, acoustic guitar and didgeridoo!

They joined in with songs, had a ‘go’ on both electric bass and lead guitars and made themselves heard on drums, bells and various other musical instruments.
The best part and probably most memorable for the children was their attempts on the didgeridoo! The children had a wonderful day.

Another really fun afternoon was spent with the Young Peoples Library service. Amanda and Terry brought the van along to the Club and the children enjoyed going onto the van and choosing their own books. They all took part in planting ‘cress heads’ and watch these grow over the week. Amanda, Terry and Club staff also helped the children make ‘giant caterpillars’ with googly eyes and fluffy tails!

When the weather was against us yet again the children enjoyed an afternoon of races. The funniest being the dressing up race where children had to dress up in swimming goggles, skip to a set of arms bands, slip into a rubber ring and jump with a beach ball between their feet to the end of the race. Children won prizes for the fastest finisher or simply the funniest and all children won prizes; the children were enthusiastic and noisy but had a wonderful afternoon.

During the week the children also made bug fridge magnets, pencil monsters, pizzas and various other arts and crafts. They also visited the Kirton Library and had an afternoon of soft play toys and equipment. They also went on a day trip to Play Towers, Boston – a brilliant time was had by all!
On the last day of the first week the children helped celebrate Regan Westfield’s 5th birthday.

Regan’s Mum, Kerry used to work at the Club and still has close ties with it. All the children know Regan and they were all invited to his ‘birthday party’. They enjoyed an afternoon of party games, music and food. Regan blew out the candles on his birthday cake after a hearty rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ from the children. Kerry supplied all the children with not just the food and drinks but party bags to take home too.

Although the weather did beat us a few times, everyone enjoyed the activities, games, food and fun of the first weeks Summer Club.If you wish your child to join in the fun at Kirton Kids’ Club why not book them into either Breakfast, Pre-school or after sessions. (Phone 722426 for more information). The next Holiday Club will be at October Half Term.

Carolyn Sharpe

The Kirton Ladies Luncheon Club

This year we have had quite a problem with speakers being unable to fulfil their bookings for health reasons but this month we were back on track and we had two delightful ladies telling us about the work of the Sue Ryder Hospice at Thorpe Hall, Peterborough which was very interesting because although you see the Sue Ryder Charity Shops I was never sure what the Sue Ryder Foundation actually did.

Sue Ryder was married to Leonard Cheshire who was awarded the Victoria Cross for his sustained courage and outstanding effort as a Royal Air Force pilot during World War II.

After the war he founded the Cheshire Homes for the disabled which now have over 2,000 residential facilities within the UK alone.

September brings another change of speaker; we moved Monica Place from November to the 15th September and Monica will be speaking about Octavia Hill, a famous English social reformer.

On the 11th October we have Sue Stephenson on ‘Growing up in the ‘60s’ and on the 8th November we have Stuart Cliton, a retired CID Officer.

Pauline Chubb

The Mother’s Union

We meet on Wednesday the 11th September at 7.15pm in the Methodist Hall when the speaker is Yvonne Slater from the ‘Butterfly Trust’. Anyone interested in supporting our local hospice appeal is very welcome to attend. The October meeting on Wednesday the 10th is open to all members in our deanery. Liz Lilley will be speaking to us about the M.U. ‘Parenting Project’; a subject much discussed in the media at present.

Helen Airey

Parish Council Matters

Parish Councillors for Kirton Parish Village Ward
J Ann Booth - 01205 723345
John W Bristow - 01205 722775
John E M Fitzgerald - 01205 724250
Colin W Brotherton - 01205 724394
Richard H Foster - 01205 722306
Marcus R Hannay - 01205 723514
Alan V Lee - 01205 723612
Sue Ransome - 01205 311373
Ian Turner - 01205 723986

Holme Ward
David H Smith - 01205 290809
Taina I M Welberry - 01205 290560
Stephen C Wright - 01205 290239

Chairman: David H Smith
Vice Chairman: Alan V Lee

County Councillor - Boston Rural South
R Alan Day - 01205 368324

Borough Councillors for Kirton Ward
J Richard W Dungworth - 01205 724003
John Rylatt - 01205 723999

Green Waste

Boston Borough Council Saturday fortnightly collections of garden waste is on 1st September and last collection this year is on the 27th October at the following locations/times:

Kirton End (opposite old Post Office): 9.15 am - 9.45 am
Town Hall (car park): 9.50 am - 10.25 am
Edinbugh Drive: 10.30 am - 11.00 am

Any enquiries regarding this service should be directed to phone 01205 361866 / 311112.

Kirton Fun Fair Cancelled

This event due to be held on the Recreation Field Station Road in late September 2007 has unfortunately had to be cancelled due to the unavailability of some of the Showmen. This is a casualty of the July wet weather which has affected their diaries.

Geoff Sharp - Clerk to Kirton Parish Council
Tel: 01205 361634

Opening Hours: The Parish Office (Town Hall) is open every Tuesday 
9.30a.m. - 12.30 p.m, (Tel: 01205 723972 during these times).

Website: Log onto the Kirton Parish Council Website for information:


Frampton Community Playgroup

Here are some interesting facts about Frampton Playgroup that you may not be aware of:-

  • Your child can have continuous care at our playgroup from the age of 2 to 5 years of age.
  • The children are cared for by well qualified and skilled members of staff.
  • We always offer healthy and nutritious snacks and a half hour sessions are available for children the term after they turn 3years old until they go to school.
  • OFSTED inspectors said we are ‘outstanding at protecting children from harm and neglect and helping to keep them safe.’ And we have ‘an outstanding partnership with parents, which contributes significantly to the wellbeing of the children who receive nursery education.’
  • We follow and deliver the early year’s foundation stage curriculum and the birth to three matters framework.
  • When a child leaves playgroup, parents will possess a lasting memento of the child’s time with us in the form of photos, observations and work samples.
    If you would like any information regarding availability of places at Frampton Playgroup please call Sue our manager on 07939 266154.


Neighbourhood Policing

I hope that everyone enjoyed the summer holidays.

June - There have been 11 reports of antisocial behaviour, these include: 8 reports of inconsiderate behaviour, 1 report of throwing things, 2 reports of vehicle nuisance

July - There have been 13 reports of antisocial behaviour, these include: 6 reports of inconsiderate behaviour, 1 report of shouting & swearingl, 3 reports of throwing things and 3 reports of vehicle nuisance.

There has been a gathering of youths congregating on the building site off Wash Road, Kirton. The Neighbourhood Policing Team is closely monitoring this.

Kirton Youth Club is looking to be re-opened in September; if anyone wishes to be a volunteer or could offer any help please let me know & I will forward your details on.

If anyone has any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at: Kirton Police Station, Station Road – 01205 722002 or alternatively you can e-mail me at adam.eden@lincs.pnn.police.uk

PCSO Adam Eden

The Registers

Baptism - We welcome into God's family:

10th June - Shellie Louise Garrard
10th June - Lacy Hope Rainey
10th June - Jack Calvin Schofield
24th June - Lily Grace Smith
24th June - Samuel David Smith
8th July - Lincoln Reese Caine
8th July - Cameron Kevin Keith Southerby
8th July - Lilly Ella Shinn - at the Methodist

Weddings - We offer our congratulations to:

23rd June - Daniel Edward Clark and Karen Joanna Earth
23rd June - Jake Mathew Asher and Ella Lucinda Marshall - at the Methodist
23rd June - Graham Stephen Nigel Mullis and Joanne Heaton
30th June - Tony Sean Crofts and Lorraine Dixon
28th July - Christopher Michael Barrons and Samantha Jane Herrick

Funerals - We commend to God's keeping:

15th June - Joyce Simmons
19th June - Doris Dalton
27th June - Ronald William Scrupps
4th July - Hilda Annie Hall



The magazine committee wish to say ‘Thank-you’ for the following donations
which are much appreciated.

Kirton Parish Council - £200
St.Peter & St.Paul Parish Church - £50
St.Swithun’s Church, Bicker - £10

Donations for the magazine may be taken into Fossitt & Thorne (The Green), enclosed in an envelope.


4th Boston (Kirton) Scout Group

Everyone must know by now that 2007 is the Centenary of Scouting. The 21st World Jamboree has just been held at Chelmsford, hosting 40,000 scouts from around the world. Well you will be pleased to know that Kirton did their bit too! I collected three Japanese Scouts from Stamford last Wednesday, 8th August and hosted them at home for three days before their return flight to Japan on the 11th. We gave them a real taste of British life and particularly life in Kirton, fish & chips for tea, crabbing on the Marsh, BBQ party to meet others from the group and district with a bouncy castle. They really enjoyed meeting everyone from the group and were perfect guests, polite and helpful and eager to try anything; even the jelly, which they had never seen before.

They brought small gifts from Japan, including strange playing cards, chopsticks, beautiful handkerchiefs and where a whiz with the origami paper.
They were presented with Kirton neckers and badges as a memory of their visit and we finished the visit off with fireworks. Hopefully they had as great a time staying with us as we did having them to stay.

The international part doesn’t finish there because we are getting ready to host the Group Scout Leader, Baboucarr Jammeh, from the 8th Kombo Scout Group in the Gambia for a week. Our group has been helping to fund this group for the last two years and we have lots of things already for Baboucarr to take home with him to the Gambia.

The Centenary year has been very busy for us, with lots of special events culminating with the Sunrise Ceremony on 1st August which we shared with 28 million scouts across the world. Beavers, Cubs & Scouts from across the District, including many from Kirton camped over in Wings Meadow on 31st July. They arose at dawn to watch the sun come up and have an early breakfast, then marched to the Stump, where at 8am as the clock struck the hour all present made the scout sign and retook their promise.

I must say it was a proud and moving moment to see so many young people and their leaders dedicate themselves to the Scouting Movement and its values.
What next after all this excitement…… well there is more to come, autumn and winter camps, special events as well as evenings of fun, games and scoutcraft culminating in a trip to the O2 stadium for the closing ceremony of this fantastic year on 24th November. And it doesn’t end there, camp for 2008 will be Poacher in Lincolnshire, 2009 plans to be on Brownsea Island, the birthplace of Scouting and 2010 is Kirton’s very own Centenary and maybe a camp abroad!

If you are interested in joining us either as a volunteer leader/helper or for a child to join Beavers, Cubs & Scouts please call for more information on 01205 722976.

Yours in Scouting & Happy Centenary

Lesley Lanfranco - Scouter in Charge